October 2024
October 10th. Mr,Michael called me.
 Mr Michael called me at around 9 am. I registrate Mr,Michael phone number already in my i-Phone, so answered it soon. He said his backpack was founded. It was good. So I don't need to print out new of my English diary. He called to let me know. Thanks for calling.

October 9th. nice weather !
 It rained all day and was cold. My cat stayed here.
 Until now, it was too hot to even enter my lens renovation factory, but now that the temperature is nice, I want to modify the fossil-like lenses.

October 8th. Just the two of us.
 It is Funky AKO Yougaku Eigo Hatsuon Kouza (English Pronunciation Lesson for singing English songs) in YouTube. The songs she uses for practice are "Just the two of us". This song is divided into a total of 10 contents. 1 to 6 are the word pronunciation practice. It takes 60 minutes to watch them all, but I try to watch them once a day. I started this practice past more than 10 days. Recently my i-Phone catch my pronunciation different between l and r. also th and z. I am happy little bit.

 My wife gets really worried if I don't have enough vegetables in my meals, so I try to buy a lot of vegetables and cook them.

October 7th. Eat that I want
 I made the instant Ramen Chalumera and coleslaw salad for my breakfast. I made the instant Ramen Chalumera, sliced tomato and coleslaw salad for my breakfast. I also had grilled atsuage. My wife laughed me when I had an instant Ramen for breakfast early in the morning. It seems to be funny and stupid things as her feeling of meals. It is the natural in my mind. I eat things I wish at the time.
 I had hot sandwich and cafe au leit for my lunch.

October 6th. her stewed pork offal.
 The Center Festival of the Prefectural Lifelong Learning Center is a gathering of groups related to the center, with presentations, exhibitions, and practical training.
 The Photo Kano Club was formed by people who have taken photography courses at the center. There are only three members at present including me. A total of 14 works were collected for this exhibition. 
 The performance that interested me the most was by the Shimodate Technical High School Jazz Band Club. The performance was only 30 minutes long, but it was very exciting. It was amazing and I want to hear it again.

 I made my own breakfast and evening meal as usual.
 For lunch, I went to a soba restaurant with a menber of the Photo Kano Club. His sister is running it, and delicious. I especially liked her stewed pork offal more than soba, it was the best delicious thing I've ever had in my life.

October 5th. the Photo Kano Club.
 I went to the Prefectural Lifelong Learning Center in Chikusei City. Tomorrow, there will be a photo exhibition by the Photo Kano Club I belong to at the center festival. I went there today to prepare for it.

 I cooked and ate my breakfast and my evening meal at my home as usual, but missed the chance to eat the lunch.

October 4th. Yasaka Park about 3 km.
 I cooked three meals a day, as usual.
 I run Yasaka Park about 3 km in a long time.

 After talking to Mr,Michael on the phone the other day, I realized the importance of English pronunciation, again. So, I practice everyday and I watch the Funky Ako English pronunciation practice YouTube channel once everyday. With my cat.

October 3rd.  Yasaka Park.
 I walked around Yasaka Park about 5 km.

 For my breakfast, I had a Jimanyaki is the soul food of Ueda citizens, granola yogurt, coleslaw salad, and cafe au lait. 
 For my lunch, I had mixed anko and sweet potato, cheese toast , coleslaw salad with pickled myoga, and cafe au lait.
 For my evening meal, I had tofu, sliced tomato cabbage mixed anko sweet potato salad. I also made asari gohan. 


October 2nd. The unannounced phone call.
 I made pumpkin and pork curry and served it with multigrain rice for my brakfast. I also had grilled atsuage, granola yogurt, and cafe au lait.
 I had grilled eggplant, chicken nuggets, sliced ​​tomatoes, coleslaw salad, and non alcoholic beer for my evening meal.

 I was my home and watched YouTube channels with a cup of coffee and my cat. I relaxed in the morning.
 At about 11 am, my iPhone rang. Usually I never answer to no registered phone number in my iPhone. However it was a fixed line number and a same area as my home phone number. So, I caught it. I answered. Someone was speaking English. I thought it was a wrong call.
 After a few seconds, I realized I'd heard that voice before. I remembered Mr Michael's voice.
 Yes Mr,Michael called me. I panicked while a few second. Because Noriko sensei wasn't nearby, so I had to transrat all of English words Mr Michael speaking.
 After calming down for a moment, the first sound I heard was ”backpack”. The next word was ”lost”. Mr Michael lost his backpack. Maybe. So, Why did he call me? In an instant, I thought I have to looking for his backpack together, near here. No, no. I heard the third, lost an English diary. So, Mr, Michael called me because he had lost his backpack and the printouts of my English diary were in it.
 I felt like I had finally succeeded in having a conversation with him in English. The unannounced phone call from Mr,Michael was a really good way to practice my English conversation. Sometimes I wished he would call me unannounced.

October 1st.  NHK TV program introducing Tsugaru region. 
 I warmed up raw egg on brown rice in the microwave. I had it, grilled atsuage, coleslaw salad, yogurt granola, and cafe au lait for my breakfast.
 I made tandoori chicken imitation from my own recip. I had it, wakame and seaweed salad, and tofu for my evening meal.
 While I was eating my evening meal, I watched NHK TV program introducing Tsugaru region, about gods, foods, customs, and more. I felt nostalgic because I had known those scenes for a before. And I thought I want to visit to there.

October 2024  

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