November 2022
 November 30th.  the large vaccination venue
 At 10 am at the large vaccination venue in Tsukuba City, I received the fifth new corona vaccine.Around 8:00 p.m., I started to have a fever.

 昨夜、大根のデミグラソース煮込みとエビ大根をつくった。大根を面取りした切れ端とスイートコーン人参玉葱まいたけでスープをつくった。あさごはんは、スープです。 エビ大根は、義父に届けた。吹上のイチョウも色づいてきた。あと一日晴れの日があれば真っ黄色だな。 Viviter AUTO ZOOM 85-205mm 1:3.8 No.22442412 で撮影してみた。


 November 29th.  the laurel tree
 I pruned the laurel tree at my wife's parents' house. Cut the trunk at the height of the ladder.


 November 28th.  6 old manual focus zoom lenses
 I got rid of 6 old manual focus zoom lenses. These are 6 of the Junk Lenses I bought in bulk. I have no use for It's a waste. The acquisition cost is about 600 yen in total. This time, I sold it for 220 yen on Yahoo! Auctions. I was Rather than getting 220 yen, it means that the 6 lenses will be put to good use by someone in the future.


 November 27th.  Goerz Anschutz camera
 Goerz Anschutz camera made in Germany, c. 1900
 Goerz press camera. Folding collapsing strut-form plate camera for 3.25 by 4.25 plates quarter-plates, c 1900.
 Installed lens: C.P.GOERZ BERLIN. D.R.P.DOGMAR 1:3.5 F=15cm No, 631638.
 Lever operated focussing 2yds-inf. Sliding rising front and cross. Anschutz focal plane shutter with focussing screen and frame sports finder. Overall (deployed): 165 mm x 185 mm x 140mm.
 This camera is typical of the sort used by press photographers of th period. The Anschutz was popular with press photographers in the early part of the 20th century. It is a bedless 'strut' type folding camera, and the focal plane shutter is based on the design of Ottomar Anschutz. Between 1905-1910 the name was gradually changed to Ango.

 November 26th.  the chicken ramen.
 Lunch is tomato, cabbage, potato soup and the chicken ramen. Sometimes I want to eat the chicken ramen.



 November 25th. Mt. Tsukuba and my Z4
 I went to Chikusei City for the monthly meeting of the Photo Kano Club. If you go to Tsukusei, the shape of Mt. Tsukuba changes considerably. I went into rice fields and took pictures. Looking back, my Z4 was shining on the road in the rice field.


 November 24th.  A man in black
  .I attended the funeral of my friend's family. From some point, I started taking self-portraits when I wear my mourning clothes.
 Recently, the frequency has increased, and I take pictures several times a year. And the speed of my aging is accelerating.

 メン・イン・ブラック 午後は、友人のご家族のご葬儀に出席した。いつの頃からか、喪服を着るたびにセルフポートレートを撮るようになった。近頃は、その頻度も増して年に幾度も撮るようになったあ。そして年をとるスピードは加速度的だ。

 November 23th.  KOMURA- f=200mm 1:4.5
 This lens has 16 diaphragm blades, so even if I stop down littel, I can get a beautiful round BOKE.Also, I like this series because it is easy to disassemble and easy to maintain.
 I got it for about 400 yen in 2020, but it wasn't so comfortable because it was moldy and dusty, but when I cleaned it, it was pretty clean. It turned out to be a fun to use.

 KOMURA- f=200mm 1:4.5 No,1236630 は、三協光機製で1958年~1968年に製造された35mm一眼レフ用望遠レンズです。3群4枚構成、フィルター径 55mmφ最短撮影距離は2.8m、16枚の絞り羽根をもっていて円形絞りでなくギザギザもようになる。絞り操作は2つの絞りリングによるプリセット絞です。コーティングは、だいだい色をおびている単層膜コーティングです。重量は450gある。発売時の価格は17500円でした。

 November 22th.  Bandou City.Masakado Half Marathon
Left image: Goerz Anschutz camera Goerz Anschutz camera made in Germany, c.
MADE: 1895-1905
MAKER: C P Goerz
Installed lens: C.P.GOERZ BERLIN. D.R.P.DOGMAR 1:3.5 F=15cm No, 631638
Photographed with CANON EF 40mm 1:2.8 STM No.9231116400

:Bottom left image: The spring camera "SEMI LEOTAX" is in tatters. The lens is still alive. WESTER Anastigmat 75mm f3.5 No, 16286 

Photographed with CANON EF 40mm 1:2.8 STM No.9231116400


 November 21th.  3 meals.
For breakfast, I cooked rice with egg, natto, miso soup, and radish. I ate with my father-in- low.
Lunch is vegetable soup, lettuce salad, shrimp radish, and rice. I ate with my father-in- low.
Evening meals are red bean porridge, tomato broccoli salad, vegetable soup, and Budweiser. ate at home.

ばんごはんは、 あずきいり粥、トマトブロッコリーサラダ、野菜スープ、バドワイザーです。うちで食べた。

 November 20th.  Meal in Tsukuba. made by my wife.
 Lately, I often spend weekends in Tsukuba. Take a walk、 or test my modified old lens at Douhou Park.
Meals in Tsukuba. made by my wife.


 November 19th.  Shooting test at feeld
 The other day, I maintained ROSS LONDON PATENT 6IN XPRES 1:4.5 No.93050. Today .I tested it.
I connected it to the Sony ILCE-7RM3 with a self made M42 mounting ring and Bellows and shooted at my wife's parents' house at afternoon and Douhou Park at night.

 午後は、かあちゃんの実家の中庭の木の剪定などをした。先日整備した1930年代のレンズ ROSS.LONDON PATENT 6IN XPRES 1:4.5 No.93050 で写真を撮りまくった。
 夕方、かあちゃんといっしょにつくばに移動する。 洞峰公園でも ROSS.LONDON PATENT 6IN XPRES 1:4.5 No.93050 のフィールドテストをする。三脚を立ててスローシャッターで写真を撮る。

 November 18th. There was a hole in the coffee pot pipe.
There was a hole in the spout pipe of the coffee pot. The same coffee pot costs about 15,000 yen new. So, I tried silver brazing, but it didn't go well and I gave up. And I did it by soldering. Solder will melt if I put it on an open flame, but this coffee pot will not be put directly on the flame. Only used when transferring boiling water from the kettle and pouring it into the coffee funnel. Therefore, it is OK if hot water does not leak.

 アマゾンで 「RCA to HDMI変換コンバーター Runbod AV to HDMI 変換器 AV2HDMI USBケーブル付き」を518円で買った。超古いDVDプレーヤーのRCA信号をHDMIに変換する。新しいテレビにはRCA信号コネクタが装備されていないのでコレを介さないと古いDVDプレーヤーを新しいテレビにつなげなかった。はい、DVDプレーヤーがつながりましたね。

 November 17th. I pruned the trees.
  I pruned the trees in the courtyard of my wife's parents' house.


 November 16th.  Anko paste with peanut butte.
 Breakfast is cream cheese Anko paste sandwich and cafe au lait. I put this image up on flickr. Then, I received an email from a housewife living in Buenos Aires asking, "Would you like Anko paste with peanut butter?"
 , let's try


 November 15th.   ROSS.LONDON PATENT 6IN XPRES 1:4.5 No.93050
 I connected it to the Sony ILCE-7RM3 with a self made M42 mounting ring and Bellows. I can take pictures for now.This came with the camera I bought in July 2022 for ¥12000. I can't find any info on the web when I search. It doesn't matter if it's just a little bit, if you know anything, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.

 ROSS.LONDON のXPRES 6in f4.5 シリアルNo, 93050 レンズを1930年代に作られた大判カメラ Duplex Ruby Reflex から抽出しました。M42マウントを加工して後部に取り付けてキャノンのベローズに装着してソニーのデジカメで撮影できるようにした。

 November 14th.  Breakfast in Tsukuba. .
Breakfast in Tsukuba. My wife made it.


 November 13th.  Bandou City.Masakado Half Marathon
 November 13th was the day of the Bandou City.Masakado Half Marathon. It was fine day with little wind.The half course starts at 10:00. There is checkpoint at 15.7Km point. I cannot continue if I do not passes by 12:10.
 I thought I would be picked up by a bus of disqualified runners following me, and I had expected that I would not be able to reach the checkpoint. I barely made it through the checkpoint at 12:01, escaped from disqualification. However, after 18km, my right leg was tight. I tried to run. However, I felt like my left leg was going to get cramped, so I walked all the way to the finish line. Still, it was 2 hours 53 minutes 43 seconds.
 According to the competition requirements, there is an item "to be able to run within 2 hours and 30 minutes" in the entry qualifications, but it seems that even if you exceed it, you will not be disqualified. Someone said near the checkpoint, 'Once you pass the checkpoint, it's yours.'
 Finishers can participate in a lottery for invitations to the Honolulu Marathon, accepted until 13:00.
I finished at 12:53、and barely made it in time. However, I didn't win the lottery.So, my Honolulu Marathon will be postponed until next year.

大会開催日 2022年11月13日
大会名 第32回 坂東市将門ハーフマラソン
氏名 木村 達哉
所属 木村歯科医院
ナンバーカード 1673
出場種目 ハーフ男子60才以上
走行距離 21.0975km
タイム(グロス) 02:54:53
タイム(ネット) 02:53:43
種目別順位 231/234
総合順位 1324/1340




 November 12th.  beef curry.
 Breakfast is beef curry.For lunch, I eat meat and potatoes with my father-in-law. The evening meal is beef curry. I ate with my stepfather.


 November 11th. Boiled chicken.
 Breakfast is anko mochi. I prepared beef curry while making breakfast. Boiled chicken with balsamic sauce, garnished with basil leaves and stocked in the refrigerator. Lunch is vegetable chicken soup with egg and udon noodles.


 November 10th.  Fuji-Ko Anastigmat Terionar 1:4.5 F=50mm No,7287
 This was on the small spring camera "BabyLayra" that I got second-hand for 2000 yen in June 2020.
I extracted this, disassembled and cleaned it, and replaced it with the mount taken out of the junk EF lens. 。

 昨夜、分解清掃したレンズ フジコウ アナスチグマット テリオナー 1:4.5 f=50mmの無限遠ピント調整をした。ベランダから2kmぐらい離れた鉄塔にピントを合わせながら無限遠のいちを決める。

 November 9th.  SANKYO KOHKI KOMURA f=200mm 1:3.5 No.2159866 。
 Yesterday, I disassembled and cleaned SANKYO KOHKI KOMURA f=200mm 1:3.5 No.2159866, but something is wrong. It looks like a lens was installed backwards and forwards. I can only go wrong with one lens. So,I disassembled and reassembled again. Try a preview. It's okay now.

 昨日、SANKYO KOHKI KOMURA f=200mm 1:3.5 No.2159866 の分解清掃をしたのだが、なんかへん。どうやらレンズを前後反対に組み込んだようだ。間違える可能性のあるのは、ただ1枚だ。再度分解して組み直した。試写sいてみる。こんどは、大丈夫だね。

 November 8th.  a total lunar eclipse 。
 Tonight was a total lunar eclipse. The moon turned orange. Asahi SMC PENTAX 1:4.5 500mm No, 7377770 was attached to a Sony digital camera, and shooted the moon. This big and heavy 500mm lens is only useful in situations like this.

 SANKYO KOHKI KOMURA f=200mm 1:3.5 No.2159866 を分解清掃する。
 今夜は、皆既月食だ。オレンジ色の月になった。ASAHI SMC PENTAX 1:4.5 500mm No, 7377770 をソニーのデジカメに装着して撮影してみた。デカくて思い500mmのレンズは、こんなときにしか活躍の場がない。

 November 7th.  the Kensai Lifelong Learning Center Festival 。
 After breakfast, I moved from Tsukuba to Iwai. In the middle of the move, my father-in-law called me and requested a transfer to the orthopedic surgery. Around 10:30, I sent my father-in-law to an orthopedic surgeon. I go to the barber at eleven o'clock. Payment is bando city premium gift certificate. I picked up my father-in-law at 12:00.
Lunch is a tempura bowl and soba set. I ate with him.


 November 6th.  It's Sunday. 。
 It's Sunday. Nice weather. I am still staying in Tsukuba.
Her wife made breakfast. such as apple pancakes.
I went for a walk to Doho Park and field tested Zenza Bronica again today.


 November 5th.  I field tested the Zenza Bronic 。
 I attended Saturday English from 10:00. About 12 attendees.
My electric automatic bread machine baked the graham bread. I set the baking time to 12:30.
I prepared shrimp grilled with daikon radish and cheese. Then I moved to Tsukuba, where I field tested the Zenza Bronica at Doho Park in Tsukuba.
My wife made dinner for the evening.


 November 4th. Backups are important. 。
 When I installed i-tune on my laptop, the behavior became suspicious. DVD drive is no longer recognized. So, I am restoring from image backup. I decided to replace the mailer. Backups are important no matter what.

 ノートパソコンに i チューンをインスツールしたら挙動不審になった。DVDドライブが認識されなくなった。で、イメージバックアップから復旧です。ついでにメーラーを入れ替えることにした。何はともあれバックアップですな。


 November 3rd.  Breakfast is rice with vegetable soup 。
 Breakfast is rice with vegetable soup.Served with vegetable soup over rice, boiled egg and boiled spinach. fried peppers, tofu Katsuobushi, cafe au lait


 November 2nd. chain of chainsaw 。
 I pruned the garden tree of my wife's parents' house. I was using a chainsaw and the chain came off. Disassembled and adjusted. I took a picture to confirm the direction of the chain.、



 November 1st.   wooden box. 。
 This is a wooden box made by my uncle Shigeo around 1946. It was used as a rice stocker in my parents' house. When I was 15 years old, it was still used as a stocker. I left my parents' house, so I didn't know what happened after that. About 20 years ago, I found it abandoned at my parents' house. I painted it and I remodeled it into a laundry hanger storage. I used it at home. It's been used for 75 years. Wooden boxes are attractive.


November 2022  

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